Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Dove

The symbolism of the Dove, in almost every culture, is that of Peace, Motherhood and Divine Feminine Energy. However, the Dove carries additional meanings for different people.

For instance, for the Blackfoot Indian the dove is a symbol of protection. Their feathers were often carried into battle as an offering to help insure a safe return. The Pueblo often used Dove feathers on their prayer sticks. They also believe that by following the song of the dove they would be led to water.

For Christians, the Dove is not only a symbol of peace, but also a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of God. After God sent the great flood, Noah sent out a dove 3 times. The first time the dove returned having found nothing. The second time, the dove returned with a freshly picked olive leaf. The third time the dove did not return, indicating that the water was subsiding and the it had found a safe place to land. To Noah this symbolized a time of peace following judgement.

It doesn’t matter who you are, when the song of the dove calls to our soul it stirs within us a maternal instinct, a connection with the divine and a deep rooted connection with the earth. It brings with it a sense of peace and the promise that something better is headed our way.

 If the Dove has entered your life, either as a totem or as a messenger, it is important for you to focus on bringing more peace and calm into your life. You may be being asked to go out and find a way to share peace and love to others in these troubled times.

Being a symbol of providence, a Dove flying into your life may symbolize that your prayers are being answered and you are being watched over and guided by angels. No matter what you might be facing, you are never alone. The wind beneath your wings will keep you safe.

Finally the dove asks us to have an open heart. Love is the highest and most pure energy. Being a ground feeder, the dove represents a balance between heaven and earth and reminds us that while we much seek to remain grounded, we also need to learn to fly above the hurt and anger, the stresses of daily life.

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